MElissa Cote
Sheepscot River Watershed Manager

As the Sheepscot River Watershed Manager, Melissa works to protect and restore aquatic resources throughout the Sheepscot River watershed. She manages our Atlantic salmon recovery work, our aquaculture program, the Sheepscot Sampler volunteers, and so much more.

Originally from Massachusetts, Melissa has always found a second home in Maine where her grandfather grew up. It’s where she fell in love with the ocean, especially the water-to-land interface, and wrote her college admissions essay about her childhood experiences exploring the Rachel Carson salt pond preserve in Bristol. After obtaining her Master of Science degree in oceanography from the University of Connecticut, she worked for two environmental nonprofits where she found her true passion in conservation work. Melissa jumped at the opportunity to make Maine her forever home in January 2020 when she moved to the Midcoast region to work for the Department of Marine Resources where she monitored water quality for the Bureau of Public Health. Melissa is thrilled to serve as the Sheepscot River Watershed Manager to help protect and restore the lands and waters that both her and her grandfather love so much.

