Volunteer With Midcoast Conservancy
Quite simply, we can’t do it without you! Volunteers are the soul of Midcoast Conservancy, bringing skills and energy to the mission of caring for our beautiful lands and waterways.
We have a variety of volunteer opportunities in the woods, on the water, or in the office. Please review all of our volunteer opportunities below. If you are interested in pitching in, please sign up for our emails where we send out volunteer opportunities, or if you really can’t wait please email info@midcoastconservancy.org.
Trail Work & Maintenance
Trail Crew - With over 95 miles of trail and counting, many hands are needed to maintain this vast network! If you like to work outdoors or spend time on the trail with others, this is a great way to become more active in your community and give back. Trail work days typically involve trail pruning, blazing, bridge building, or down tree removal for 2-3 hours and occur periodically through the season. No prior experience with tools is needed, tools and training are provided. Come join the fun, vibrant community of volunteers maintaining our trails! You can participate once a year or once a month as your schedule allows.
Preserve Trail Steward - Adopt a trail section and make sure it stays accessible and inviting to all visitors! Trail stewards walk their trails ~4x/year and report maintenance needs (i.e. broken bridge, down trees, signage needs). This is a great role if you already frequently visit a preserve and are looking for a way to deepen your connection to it by stewarding the trail.
HVNC Trail Steward - Adopt a Trail at HVNC. With over 25 miles to choose from, we're sure to have something for everyone. Help by hiking or biking your adopted trail once a month and reporting issues like erosion, down trees, pruning needs, etc.
Invasive Plant Removal
Land – There is nothing more satisfying than watching the pile of invasive plants grow as you clear habitat for native plants to thrive! Invasive plant work days entail removing plants with loppers, hand saws, shovels, weed wrenches, etc. for 2-3hrs and occur periodically from spring-fall. No prior experience with tools is needed, tools and training will be provided. You can participate once a year or once a month as your schedule allows.
Water - Adopt a section of Damariscotta Lake to survey for invasive aquatic plants in the late summer, manage IPP volunteers, and/or allow your property to be utilized to house IPP equipment and coordinate volunteers.
Leading Nature Education and/or Outdoor Recreation Programs
HVNC Program Leader - We're always looking for folks with knowledge to share. As a program leader you can lead a forest walk about your favorite natural history subject, lead a full moon paddle, or a full moon hike, lead mountain bike clinics, lead cross country ski clinics, and more.
Water Quality Monitoring
Sheepscot River – You can help us by adopting a site on the river or one of its tributaries and monitoring water quality every other Tuesday morning from May to October, or by collecting those bacteria samples from several locations and delivering them to the lab in Augusta. You could also use your organizational experience to help us coordinate these efforts.
Medomak River - We need Volunteer Captains for Estuary Monitoring. Have a boat and love to get out on the water? Midcoast Conservancy is looking for captains to volunteer their boat and time to take our staff out to collect water quality data in the Medomak Estuary twice a month from May to October. Go out once, or multiple times, whatever works for you. Each trip is about 4 hours long, as we go from Jone's Garden up to near the Waldoboro Town Landing.
Damariscotta Lake – Come out on the lake with a staff member to help us as we collect water quality data on Damariscotta Lake.
Property Monitoring
Help ensure that all is well on our conserved lands! Property monitors walk Midcoast Conservancy's preserves and easements every summer to check for activities that might negatively impact the property (ex. timber trespass). If you like to hike and explore new places where few people visit, this is for you. The degree of difficulty varies by preserve so you can choose whether you'd like to stroll on woods roads and trails or bushwhack deep into untouched woods. You can sign up for one preserve (typically 2-3hr commitment) or multiple.
Supporting Fundraising Events and Activities
Many hands make Light work! Come help at our Annual Gala; we can also use help with fundraising activities in our office, such as helping with mailings and more!
Sustainable Forestry Program
Timber Stand Improvement - Every year we thin and prune selected trees on 15 – 20 acres. By removing and making use of lower-quality trees – trees that are out-competed, diseased or in decline – we are investing in our future. The healthiest trees continue to grow in value. Our investment will be realized many years down the road. Come help us with this labor-intensive project.
Lumber – Help us to mill lumber harvested from our sustainable forest. The logs we cut are turned into lumber for building projects.
Firewood processing/Stacking - If you like meditative work this job is for you. We process over 40 cords of firewood at HVNC each year. Come help split & stack firewood for use here at our many wood heated buildings.
Timber Frame Courses – Volunteer to help facilitate our Timber Frame Courses. Each year we hold several 4-day workshops where you can learn how to make a timber-framed home, barn or other structure.
Learn more about our sustainable forestry program here.