Help Conserve Haystack Mountain!

Midcoast Conservancy is supporting the Friends of Haystack Mountain to conserve an iconic location.

When Haystack Mountain, which connects Liberty and Montville, Maine was put up for sale, a group of locals banded together as Friends of Haystack Mountain (FOH) to save it from development. “Maine is at risk of losing its unprotected special places in the next five to 10 years unless the people who know and love these places act quickly and with generosity,” said Buck O’Herin, a Friend of Haystack Mountain. 

Friends of Haystack Mountain know that the time is of the essence. The group has until December to raise $500,000 to preserve the mountain. Their first action? A production of Blueberries for Sal at Walker Elementary School on August 18th at 5:30pm. Before the play, guided tours that day will explore the mountain starting at 4pm. The event is free to the public and donations will be collected. Anyone unable to attend can help save the mountain by visiting

Haystack Mountain has a long history of connecting people with nature. Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, located on Deer Isle, is named for the mountain. Couples have gotten married and taken wedding pictures on the mountain. Snowmobile and outdoor enthusiasts have enjoyed the mountain trails in all seasons. The Maine Geological Survey (MGS) recently announced Haystack Mountain as a Maine Geologic Fact and Locality. 

Mainers are concerned about the loss of natural spaces. Sophie Veilleux, who grew up in Montville said, “I am not opposed to all development in Maine. Easy access to nature is a privilege that everyone should be able to enjoy if they want to. I welcome sustainable development that increases access to affordable housing and brings a needed boost to our economy. I believe that is possible while still protecting our natural scenery, resources and wildlife. Development for the sake of luxury or profit, which disregards the fragility of our ecosystems, our treasured landscapes and the actual needs of Mainers… that should be avoided at all costs.”

The dark night skies over Haystack are perfect for stargazing. Those starry nights inspired a James Webb scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Dr. Justin Pierel, to become an astrophysicist. Dr. Pierel was born and raised in Montville Maine. “When I heard Haystack Mountain had gone up for sale, I knew I had to help preserve it because everyone deserves an opportunity to look up into the night sky and be inspired,” he said.

FOH is grateful to the local business sponsors who have pledged to support Haystack Mountain, including Evergreen Home Performance, Frapoli's Place, John’s Ice Cream, Lake St. George Brewery, Leslie Stein and Doug Van Horn, Liberty Organics, Liberty Tool Company, Lori’s Cafe, Pieceworks Inc, Timberstone Maine Rustic Arts.


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