Events and Programs
Wednesday Wander
Yay! It’s Vernal Pool season!
Grab a friend and join us for a walk at Maguire Preserve to visit a Significant Vernal Pool valued for its high counts of Wood Frog and Spotted Salamander egg masses. Of all the interesting ways to observe the advance of spring, vernal pools are one of the most fascinating. A vernal pool is a temporary woodland pond or small body of water, often overlooked, which plays a central role in the life cycle of many amphibians and the organisms that rely on them. These woodland pools have important implications and impacts on local wildlife, outdoor recreation, and forestry operations. We invite anyone to join Maine Master Naturalists Kit Pfeiffer and Jane Harrison on this walk to discover the magic of Maguire Preserve and its woodland vernal pool.
Wear good hiking shoes or rubber boots and be prepared for mud. Polarized sunglasses are suggested for viewing life below the surface of the water. You may wish to bring water and a snack.
Registration is encouraged but walk-ins are welcome. Well-behaved pets that get along with others are welcome. Wear sturdy hiking shoes and bring water.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
Wednesday Wander
Join us the last Wednesday of each month for a guided nature walk at one of Midcoast Conservancy’s diverse preserves. Each walk will be 1-2 miles long and focus on the flora, fauna and landscape of that month’s specific preserve. Grab your curiosity and a friend to come explore a part of the Midcoast you’ve never been before. Or return to one of your favorite preserves to share and learn more about a place you love.
Registration is encouraged but walk-ins are welcome. Well-behaved pets that get along with others are welcome. Wear sturdy hiking shoes and bring water.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
Wednesday Wander
Join us the last Wednesday of each month for a guided nature walk at one of Midcoast Conservancy’s diverse preserves. Each walk will be 1-2 miles long and focus on the flora, fauna and landscape of that month’s specific preserve. Grab your curiosity and a friend to come explore a part of the Midcoast you’ve never been before. Or return to one of your favorite preserves to share and learn more about a place you love.
Registration is encouraged but walk-ins are welcome. Well-behaved pets that get along with others are welcome. Wear sturdy hiking shoes and bring water.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
Wednesday Wander
Join us the last Wednesday of each month for a guided nature walk at one of Midcoast Conservancy’s diverse preserves. Each walk will be 1-2 miles long and focus on the flora, fauna and landscape of that month’s specific preserve. Grab your curiosity and a friend to come explore a part of the Midcoast you’ve never been before. Or return to one of your favorite preserves to share and learn more about a place you love.
Registration is encouraged but walk-ins are welcome. Well-behaved pets that get along with others are welcome. Wear sturdy hiking shoes and bring water.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
Wednesday Wander
Join us the last Wednesday of each month for a guided nature walk at one of Midcoast Conservancy’s diverse preserves. Each walk will be 1-2 miles long and focus on the flora, fauna and landscape of that month’s specific preserve. Grab your curiosity and a friend to come explore a part of the Midcoast you’ve never been before. Or return to one of your favorite preserves to share and learn more about a place you love.
Registration is encouraged but walk-ins are welcome. Well-behaved pets that get along with others are welcome. Wear sturdy hiking shoes and bring water.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.

Wednesday Wander At Burkett Mill Preserve
With over three miles of trails, 365 acres, and a variety of habitats, Burkett Mill Preserve in Waldoboro offers a wide range of natural diversity to enjoy. Our hike with Maine Master Naturalist Susan Cottle will be able to cover only a portion of the lovely woods, rock outcroppings, babbling brook, and other natural features. But with some autumn color tossed in with the silvery granite ledges, green mosses and pines, and more, it will be a lovely walk. And there will be even more to come back to enjoy on another day. We will meet at the parking area and trailhead off of Burkett Mill Road, which diverges from Goshen Road in Waldoboro.
Directions: From Waldoboro village: Head north on Main Street, and bear right onto Old Route One. In 2.6 miles, turn right onto Goshen Road. Stay on Goshen Rd. for 1.8 miles, then go straight onto the unpaved Burkett Mill Rd where Goshen curves sharply left. Parking for the preserve is located on the left about .3 miles down the road.
This is the last of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters scheduled for this year.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.

Saturday Saunter at Haystack Mountain
In 2023, Friends of Haystack Mountain successfully purchased Haystack Mountain in Liberty with outstanding donor support to keep Haystack open to the public. Come see why so many people have joined together to save this special place with its wooded south side, blueberry covered north side, and its panoramic views from the top for miles around. We’ll go up the short but moderately steep, 1.1-mile footpath that forms a loop and winds through a mixed northern hardwoods forest that includes oak, pine, maple, birch and hemlock. Near the top a short spur trail takes hikers to the open summit. Haystack is the only vantage point for miles around that offers such expansive and unobstructed views via a trail maintained by Midcoast Conservancy allowing public access.
Directions: From Rte 3 between South China and Belfast, take Rt. 220 south for 0.8 miles. Turn left at the sign for the Vena M. Roberts Memorial Ball Field. Park in the dirt parking lot behind Walker Health Center in Liberty, right next to the Ball Field. The group will meet in the parking lot and then walk around the ball field to the trailhead.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.

Wednesday Wander At Clarry Hill Preserve
Join us for a morning “above it all” on Clarry Hill, from which you can see for miles around you–the far-off reaches of Muscongus Bay to the south, the back side of the Camden Hills to the east, and a ridge of working blueberry landscapes to the north. With both a naturalist and an avid birder familiar with the site to help us appreciate the landscape and the avian fall migration—particularly of raptors taking advantage of the rising thermals of the hills– we hope to enjoy not only the autumn scarlet of the surrounding blueberry fields at our feet but some migrating hawks and others over our heads. Please join us at this special place where wildlife, agriculture, recreation, and Maine’s natural splendor are all supported.
This is one of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters scheduled for this year.
Directions: From Route 1, take Route 235 5.2 miles and turn left onto Clarry Hill Road. After 1 mile, bear left to stay on Clarry Hill Road. After .5 mile, turn right to stay on Clarry Hill Road. In .8 mile, turn left onto Elmer Hart Road. Follow the stone road until you see the trail head sign on the left.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.

Saturday Saunter at Marsh River PReserve
The Marsh River Preserve protects 5,500 feet of frontage along the Marsh River and offers a mile of woodland trail with beautiful views of the river and salt water marsh. Such marshes are important systems for filtering water, controlling flooding, capturing carbon, and providing habitat for a variety of birds and other wildlife. What will we see on an early autumn walk? Come join a Maine Master Naturalist for a leisurely walk to find out. We’ll be meeting at the trailhead, located in a cul-de-sac at the end of Eagle Point Road.
This is one of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters, which will continue through October.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.

Wednesday Wander At Whitefield Salmon Preserve
The Whitefield Salmon Preserve is located where the Sheepscot River and its west branch come together. This preserve, along with protected property on the west side of the West Branch and to the north of Howe Road, supports over 4,000 feet of prime Atlantic salmon rearing and spawning habitat. We’ll be walking along a beautiful wooded trail right next to the West Branch with Maine Master Naturalists Mary Ellen Dennis and Susan Cottle to learn about the water, its quality, and how important that quality is to so much life that depends on it. We’ll be meeting at the parking area at the trailhead on the North Howe Road, which is reachable only from Routes 17 and 32 (the old bridge connecting South and North Howe Road is long gone).
This is one of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters, which will continue through October.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.

Saturday Saunter at Riverbrook Preserve
CANCELLED! Fierce weather is promising to make this a less-than-fun outing.
Riverbrook Preserve has over a mile of fresh water frontage on the Medomak River, over 3 miles of trails, and covers over 350 acres. In addition to lovely woods to walk through and pretty river frontage to enjoy, there are also 40 acres of fields.
In addition to our usual Maine Master Naturalist accompanying the group, biologist and ecologist Chris Schorn will be joining us to help us learn about what we see, with some time to focus on wildflowers appearing in August. We’ll be meeting at the parking area at the trailhead on Route 220.
This is one of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters, which will continue through October.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.

Wednesday Wander At Sheepscot HEadwaters Preserve
With over 1,250 acres protected by Midcoast Conservancy and with the generous landowners providing access to cross their properties, there’s an extensive network of trails to explore at this preserve. There’s also a variety of habitats, from mature forest to a hemlock-lined ravine to nearby farms, and more. The Hills to Sea Trail also connects with and travels through part of the preserve.
On this hike, we’ll be taking in a good part of the Bog Brook trail, perhaps getting a view of not only a lovely brook and quiet woods, but a view of a marsh as well. Buck O’Herin, who has long had leadership roles both at Midcoast and with the Hills to Sea Trail, will be joining us to share his knowledge of the trails.
We’ll be meeting at the trailhead for the Bog Brook Trail on Halldale Road; parking will be along the road near the start of the trail.
This is one of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters, which will continue through October.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.

Saturday Saunter at Peter’s Pond Preserve
Take a walk through a quiet wood to your own secret pond—or what can feel like one! Then enjoy a break sitting on a granite bolder, look out, and remember how peaceful it feels to sit beside quiet water listening to birds, watching a chipmunk scamper around, or just enjoying the lichen and moss and other living things around you. Peter’s Pond will be the destination of this Saturday Saunter, where we are guaranteed to walk up and down over varying forest floor, seeing a variety of trees and small plants, and—if the tide allows, a bit of salt marsh as well.
We will meet at the trailhead/parking lot on Dutch Neck Road.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.

Wednesday Wander At West Branch Preserve
One of the major tributaries to Damariscotta Lake, the West Branch of Davis Stream has about 1.5 miles of its path protected within the 450+ acres of West Branch Preserve. With close to seven miles of trails and a variety of habitats, there’s a lot to see, from the stream itself to open meadow to varying types and ages of forest. Participants’ interests are likely to determine which trail(s) we take for our wandering.
We will meet at the trailhead/parking area on North Mountain Road. Please note that while the parking area is a little small, parking along the side of the road nearby is regularly done without concern, given how quiet the road is.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.
Wednesday Wander At Martin Point Wildlife Reserve
The Martin Point Wildlife Reserve hosts a great diversity of habitat, from pond to wetlands to spruce forest to rocky coast. Moss carpeted spruce-fir forest covers most of the property, so walk leader and Maine Master Naturalist Susan Cottle will certainly share some moss-related insights!
There are up to three loops we can do, none of which are very long and all of which total about 1.5 miles. We may get to enjoy all three, depending on participants’ interests and the group's pace. We will meet at the trailhead on Martin Point Road.
This is one of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters, which will continue through October.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.
Saturday Saunter at Maguire PReserve
Maguire Preserve is a beautiful place to walk through a couple types of forest, over packed duff as well as some ledge, and out to Weary Pond, where depending on conditions and how far we walk, we may see evidence of beaver along with any other plants or animals that call the pond home.
On this Saturday Saunter we are planning a leisurely out-and-back hike of three miles total, going over varying forest floor with only small ups and downs. With Maine Master Naturalist Susan Cottle leading the group, we’ll talk about whatever folks are seeing and want to discuss—perhaps some spring ephemerals still in bloom, ferns, lichen, moss, various trees and any critters or signs of critters we might come across. We will meet at the trailhead/parking lot on Heath Road.
This is one of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters, which will continue through October.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.
Wednesday Wander at Trout Brook Preserve
Join Maine Master Naturalists Susan Cottle and Chuck Dinsmore for a gentle hike at Trout Brook Preserve in Alna. Chuck knows the preserve well and is ready to share what he finds special about it. Both he and Susan will be glad to help as much as possible with questions about trees, ferns, wildflowers, animal signs, and other aspects of nature we may see. And it is always nice to see the brook itself. We will meet at the trailhead/parking area on Rt. 218 in Alna.
This is one of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters, which will continue through October.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.
Saturday Saunter at Palermo Preserve
Join Maine Master Naturalists Susan Cottle and Mary Ellen Dennis for an easy hike at the Midcoast Conservancy’s Palermo Preserve. We will certainly look for various signs of spring, including wildflowers. But we will also be spending time along the Sheepscot River, where we will learn about water quality, sea run fish coming upstream, and more. We will meet at the trailhead/parking lot on Turner Ridge Road.
This is one of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters, which will continue through October.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.
Wednesday Wander at Goose River Peace Corps Preserve
Join Maine Master Naturalist Susan Cottle to look for wildflowers, emerging ferns, and other springtime treats at the Goose River Peace Corps Preserve. We will meet at the trailhead on Finntown Road in Waldoboro and hike at a comfortable pace.
This is the first of our 2024 Wednesday Wanders and Saturday Saunters, which will continue through October.
While there is no age limit for this program, children under 18 should be accompanies by an adult.
This is a free event, registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome.
View the full Wednesday Wanders & Saturday Saunters Schedule.