New Landowner 101 Series

Meet new Midcoast folks and learn new skills at Midcoast Consvervancy’s New Landowner 101 Series!

New to woodland ownership in Midcoast Maine? Wondering how you can better manage your land and resources? Interested in broadening your community circle?

Join us this summer at Hidden Valley Nature Center, where we’re uniting new woodland owners in the Midcoast community for a socially-focused, New Landowner 101 Series.

Learn practical hands-on skills from our panel of experts, including trail building, extracting wood from your woodlot, and managing your land with a wildlife focus.

Between classes, enjoy organized meet-ups, where you’ll have the opportunity to make new friends, have a drink, and paddle the waters of Midcoast Maine. There is a class potluck at the end of class 3.

There are 3 New Landowner 101 Classes offered in summer 2022 - we encourage you to attend all 3, but please register individually for each class you would like to attend by visiting the links below. Thank you!

Registration and Details:


Story Walk at Palermo Preserve


Oar Island Cleanup in Partnership with Maine Island Trail Association