30x30 - New Initiative to Conserve Land and Water on a Scale That Matters

Conserving 30,000 Acres in the Midcoast by 2030

Midcoast Maine, with all of its natural splendor, is a desirable place to live. The vast forests, wild rivers, pristine lakes and ponds, vibrant coastline, and close-knit community definitely make the region not only a destination, but a place to call home. The pandemic has changed the way people prioritize their quality of life and, particularly in the age of remote working, has led many to search for places like the midcoast to settle in and call home.

As midcoast residents, we are well aware of the amazing quality of life we enjoy in the region; we also realize there is a point where increased development, and the associated impacts, can begin to affect and overwhelm the systems we have in place to support our existing communities-- in particular the wild places and ecosystems that we cherish and consider a vital piece of the fabric of our midcoast community.

We realize that there is a great desire for many to relocate to the midcoast, which puts uncommon pressure on not only the real estate market but also results in fragmentation on the landscape through urbanization which greatly impacts our forest, farmlands, wildlife and biodiversity that is the essence of the midcoast and the State of Maine.

Now is the time to develop and pursue locally-led strategies to protect, restore, and connect the lands, waters, and wildlife upon which we all depend. The most effective and enduring conservation strategies are those that reflect the priorities, needs, and perspectives of the families and communities that know, live, work, and care for the lands and waters; are scientifically sound; build trust in communities; and improve access for hunting, fishing, hiking, boating, and other forms of outdoor recreation.

At Midcoast Conservancy, we currently have nearly 14,000 acres protected in some form of conservation through acquired nature preserves or conservation easements with landowners. Midcoast Conservancy’s service area is 450 square miles, covering the Sheepscot River, Damariscotta Lake, and Medomak River watersheds.

The national “30 x 30 Initiative” is an effort to conserve at least 30 percent of U.S. lands and freshwater and 30 percent of U.S. ocean areas by 2030 in order to protect biodiversity, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and strengthen communities.

In the spirit of the 30 x 30 Initiative, Midcoast Conservancy is dedicated to working to protect 30,000 acres of the midcoast region by 2030. Aspiring to this goal--doubling our current conservation efforts--will contribute significantly to protecting and restoring the vital lands and waters of the midcoast, act to mitigate the impacts of climate change, and ensure the quality of life our residents and communities deserve.

If there ever was a time to come together as a community to protect the natural and wild places on the midcoast it is now. The threats are present and real, the climate is shifting, and urbanization is at our doorstep. Our solution is to work diligently to protect 30,000 acres of this magical place we call home.


Midcoast Matters Episode 3 - Medomak Valley


Midcoast Matters Episode 2 - Damariscotta Lake