Volunteer at Hidden Valley Nature Center
Put your talents to work!
For more information on the volunteer opportunities listed below, contact Hidden Valley Nature Center Director Tripp Henderson at tripp@midcoastconservancy.org or 207.389.5156
Trail Stewards:
Adopt a trail at HVNC! With over 25 miles of trails to choose from, there is something for everyone. Our trail stewards hike their "adopted" trail once per season and report any down trees or issues that need attention. Trail stewards also clear the trails of any debris, lop brush & trees that are growing into the trail & help maintain signage. No experience necessary, training provided.
Work Days:
Work as a part of a team of volunteers and be astonished in what you achieve. HVNC work days consist of 10-15 volunteers, working in small teams and tackling big projects.
Wood Splitting:
Each Year HVNC produces 15-20 cords of firewood for use there. Staff have bucked logs into rounds and would love your help splitting. Must be comfortable with log splitter, training provided.
Hike Leader:
Know the trails at HVNC? Want to share them with others? Come lead a hike! Choose your level of difficulty and distance.
Canoe Paddle Leaders:
Passionate about paddling? Lead a full moon paddle at HVNC. You'll be glowing!