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Naturalist Workshop Series: poetry is for the birds

  • Hidden Valley Nature Center 131 Egypt Road Jefferson, ME, 04348 United States (map)

Birds have long been a source of inspiration to poets around the world. With April marking the beginning of bird migration season in Maine, what better time to explore our feathered friends through poetry of our own? Join us for this nature poetry workshop at Hidden Valley Nature Center. We'll walk the trails at HVNC, looking and listening for birds. Led by Maine Master Naturalist and author Andrea Lani, the group will talk about birds as symbols, metaphors, and poetic subjects in their own right. Participants will gain inspiration from examples of bird poetry and use the ideas and images they’ve gathered to create poems of their own.  

Andrea Lani is the author of Uphill Both Ways: Hiking toward Happiness on the Colorado Trail. As a Maine Master Naturalist, she teaches nature writing and nature journaling workshops around Maine. Be sure to dress for the weather, including periods of sitting still outdoors, and consider bringing an insulated pad to sit on.

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