We invite elementary through high school teachers from across Maine to join us for this three-day climate change focused workshop, sponsored by a grant from the Maine Department of Education. Through hands-on science activities, guest presenters, and land and water exploration at Midcoast Conservancy’s Hidden Valley Nature Center and surrounding preserves, participants will gain hard skills and knowledge to take back to the classroom. With an emphasis on how to incorporate NGSS compliant Watershed Science activities into your classroom curriculum, this workshop will give teachers the tools they need to develop lesson plans and activities around climate change.
Why participate?
With the lands and waters around us changing in new ways due to the warming climate, knowing how and what to teach that connects students with these issues is vitally important. This workshop is being offered free of charge with grant money available to cover the cost of substitute teachers while participants are away from their classrooms. Participants will receive a certificate of completion for 21 contact hours as well as the opportunity to receive a $500 stipend for developing and implementing curriculum based around what they learn in the workshop. So really the question is, why not participate?!
This program is a partnership of the Maine Department of Education, Sheepscot Valley RSU 12, and Midcoast Conservancy.