Brent Douglass

Brent Douglass is graduate of Dartmouth, where he is on the Alumni Council.  He was chief facilities officer at 4 universities over a 40 year career (operations, maintenance, planning & construction) overseeing staff's ranging from 40-200 people.  Also was VP for Development and Facilities at Wintergreen Resort, where he oversaw putting in a historic conservation easement. They put a conservation easement on their VA farm and implemented a Chesapeake Bay Foundation grant to plant 1,000 trees along a tributary creek of the James River that passes through their farm.

Brent is an active volunteer with our Lake Council, Courtesy Boat Inspector, Invasive Plant Patrol and they have done a YCC erosion control project on the land on Damariscotta Lake where they own a house. Brent is also a docent for CMBG. Brent and his wife Carter live in Virginia for half the year and the other half on Damariscotta Lake.


Chuck Dinsmore


Buck O’Herin, Board President